IntelliWriter is a virtual writing coach designed to help students improve their writing in real time across multiple disciplines and languages. Powered by artificial intelligence, IntelliWriter provides immediate feedback and adaptive revision directives.
IntelliWriter features in-text revision tips, feedback aligned with the domains of writing, multi-lingual and cross-disciplinary writing instruction. With customized feedback for every single student, students can understand their own strength and weakness. Writing skills can be improved as every single piece of work is provided with detailed comment by A.I. The workload of teachers can also thus be reduced.
IntelliWriter is used by millions of students internationally to improve their writing. Users report an average improvement in student writing of a full letter grade in a single term. According to Florida International University, one of the current users of IntelliWriter since 2021, they are seeing an average improvement in student writing by up to 30% since implementing IntelliWriter.
Multi-Lingual Feedback
The feedback provided by IntelliWriter can be converted into 9 languages making it a powerful support tool for ESL students. Traditional and Simplified Chinese are also supported.
AI Revision Support
IntelliWriter provides students with in-text revision directives aligned with extant academic standards of grammar, mechanics, and style. IntelliWriter is the only virtual writing support tool powered by IntelliMetric®, the industry’s most advanced automated essay scoring engine. IntelliMetric® provides students with evaluation and subsequent insight into distinct domains of writing including Organization, Style, Focus, and Content.
Supported with Writing Instructions
IntelliWriter provides the guidance needed for different writing styles including informative writing, academic paper and business reports, covering wide range of writing job, scientific and professional.