Learn Social is a digital platform which offers many different English language courses for General English, Business English and English for the TOEIC®, TOEFL® and IELTS tests. Its catalogue contains courses developed by Knowledge Transmission and by top international publishers such as Oxford University Press and Collins.
Peer review:
- Creates a real audience for students, encouraging them to speak or write in an authentic way
- Encourages them to reflect on their work and to watch out for common mistakes
- Is collaborative and communicative.
See More: http://trial.learnsocial.online/
Learn Social is a web browser-based platform which offers many different English language courses with content targeted at 16-24 year olds.
How does Learn Social work?
Whenever students have to complete a speaking or writing exercise, they first submit their work to their Study Group for review. Students can see one another’s answers and give feedback, in order to improve their answers before submitting their work to teacher for the final grade and scoring.