Raz-Plus provides rich, high-quality printable, projectable, and electronic books at 29 levels of text complexity. These consistently and accurately leveled books progressively increase in difficulty to help students improve comprehension and fluency!
Why Use Raz-Plus Leveled Books
Each leveled book has been carefully leveled using stringent guidelines and the proprietary, best-in-class Learning A-Z Text Leveling System to ensure accuracy and consistency.
Students can read texts at their level and in their areas of interest anytime with 24/7 Web access to get the practice they need to become better, more confident readers.
How It Works
- Kids A-Z management tools allow teachers to provide custom assignments that meet specific student needs.
- Self-paced assignments, made by simply filling in a student’s level in the easy-to-use Kids A-Z Roster, ensure students practice reading developmentally appropriate books before moving up to the next level.
- Reading Room access through Kids A-Z provides motivation to read a wide variety of books that students can choose from based on their interests.
(Kids A-Z – Reading Room)
What Formats It Has
- Printable Books can be used in class or sent home for practice.
- Projectable Books can be used with digital projectors and interactive white boards.
- Listen eBooks provide models of fluency with a natural voice and highlight words, phrases, or sentences as they are read for students to follow along.
- Read eBooks allow students to read silently, whisper read, or record their reading using a headset or a computer’s microphone
- Multilevel Books allow students who read at different levels to enjoy the same book. One option for using multilevel books is to group students according to skill level.
(Projectable Books)
(Multilevel Books)
Leveled Book Lessons for Teachers
- Leveled Book Lessons combine the content of the Guided Reading Lesson and the Lesson Supplement.
- The Focus Question in the book and in the lesson provides the opportunity for deeper understanding of the text while emphasizing high-order thinking.
- A concise three-page lesson guides the teacher through instruction
- Text-dependent questions require students to cite evidence from one or more sections of the text to formulate responses.
- Extension activities build phonological awareness, phonics, and grammar and mechanics skills.
- Achieve cross-curricular opportunities in writing, art, math, science, or social studies.
Raz-Plus is a blended learning platform that delivers standards-aligned reading resources and personalized reading practice for students, in order to build students’ comprehension skills and enhance their English ability. Raz-Plus also provides online, data-driven reports that show individual and class-wide activity and performance.