Learning A-Z Writing Competition 2024

Imagine a special day with your avatar in the real world! Describe the exciting things you do together, the fun adventures you have, and the moments you’ll always remember. Use your imagination to make this day with your avatar extra special! Please write “A special day with my avatar” as the topic, and submit it…

Announcing the Winners of EnglishCentral Easter Challenge 2023

在現今電子世代,如何讓學生在觀看媒體影片的同時進行有益學習,成為了老師和家長的一大關注。EnglishCentral正正透過不同類型的英語影片,讓學生在吸收資訊的同時,透過多說、多聽、多練習,增強英語的聆聽和說話能力。 今年mangoSTEEMS®繼續與香港教育城eREAP計劃合作,舉辦「EnglishCentral復活節挑戰計劃2023」,鼓勵學生善用EnglishCentral提供的優質英語影片,配合說話練習、詞彙測驗等,提升英語能力。 全賴學校與同學們的積極參與,為期2個月的「EnglishCentral復活節挑戰計劃2023」已圓滿結束。在此,恭喜以下得獎學生與學校(排名不分先後): 傑出表現學生獎 Best Performance Awards for Students – 初中組別 – LEE WA FUNG 香港培正中學 CHAN HIN YING 仁濟醫院王華湘中學 CHEUNG YI YING 仁濟醫院王華湘中學 LI KA YAU 基督教宣道會宣基中學 LAU WING TUNG 基督教宣道會宣基中學 – 高中組別 – LIN JINGJIA 香港九龍塘基督教中華宣道會陳瑞芝紀念中學 LAU WAI HEI 仁濟醫院王華湘中學 LEE SUM YEE 仁濟醫院王華湘中學 CHENG CHUNG HANG 炮台山循道衛理中學 HUI CHING MAN 基督教宣道會宣基中學 最佳學習學生獎…

Learning A-Z Teacher Workshop 2023

mangoSTEEMS® is pleased to invite teachers to join our Learning A-Z Teacher Workshop of “Connecting Resources for Seamless Instruction”. In this presentation, we will explore how teachers can use online resources to differentiate reading instruction, meet the diverse learning needs of all students, and motivate them through self-directed learning tools that align with coursebook instruction.…

Learning A-Z Writing Competition 2023

Kids A-Z planet sent all avatars a mission invitation. Can you make your avatar to accept it? What superpowers does your avatar have? How can your avatar help the world? Write on the “How can my avatar help the world?” topics and submit with your Kids A-Z avatar picture. Lower Primary (Grade 1-3), the word…

EnglishCentral – featured eResources for HKDSE Preparation

EnglishCentral is a leading English learning platform that consists of 12,000videos covering a wide range of student interests. We support… 12,000+ of authentic videos to Watch & Speak Instant personalized pronunciation feedback Teacher set goals and track student progress Flexible learning and teaching (Mobile Access) Comprehension Quizzes and Assessment tools Student choose videos according to…