Raz-Plus is an English blending learning tools. What is blended learning? How blended learning benefits to teachers teaching and students learning?
Blending Digital and In-Person Instruction
Blended learning is an educational methodology that blends online or digital components with face-to-face instruction. Including technology in education helps set students up for success later in life, because computers and other connected devices are so integral to communication and business today. When students learn in a blended learning setting, they do more than master the subject they’re learning; they also master the use of technology.
In-person instruction from a teacher is essential to the blended learning approach. Developing listening skills in addition to visual and kinesthetic skills is important for student development.
What Is the Purpose of Blended Learning?
Keeping students engaged, stimulated, and motivated also helps teachers to be more effective and make greater gains with their students.
In a traditional classroom learning environment where all students are trained at the same level and speed. But blended learning allows learners of all abilities the opportunity to advance their studies at the rate that works for them: enables fast learners to advance more quickly, while struggling students can get customized support where they’re stuck and move at their own pace.
Blended learning is scalable, instruction remains effective every step of the way.
With digitally delivered resources from Raz-Plus, students can access an enormous library of developmentally appropriate learning materials anywhere and anytime.
What Are the Different Types of Blended Learning?
Here are few blended learning tools to start building your toolbox:
- Assign online coursework and have students complete and submit their assignments online, all based on your in-person instruction.
- Utilize learning management systems that students and teachers can easily access anytime.
- Engage students in online instruction, often through video instruction, with flexible face-to-face support in the classroom.
- Try station rotation with online learning stations set up in the classroom.
- Project-based online learning can culminate in classroom discussions and enhanced activities.
- Support computer lab instruction with in-person instruction.
- In-class digital learning response systems enable teachers to respond to student work in real time.
- Through online coursework completion with video recordings, teachers can effectively evaluate student performance remotely.
Some teachers may guide a classroom of students sitting at computers or using tablets through the assignments they’ll complete on their devices. Other blended learning educators may teach a lesson in person, then send an assignment online, which students complete and submit digitally. In some classrooms, teachers upload lectures online for students to watch at home; back in class, students complete exercises based on the lecture, with the teacher’s supervision.
Who Benefits From Blended Learning?
Blended learning benefits both students and teachers. Because all students live in a technology-driven world, blended learning can be helpful to every student. Mobile access means teachers can easily schedule assignments, score student submissions, and track student progress through an online teacher management hub, day or night. Blended learning helps teachers stay organized and connect in more meaningful ways with their students. Blended learning is also flexible: blended learning methods can be integrated into almost any classroom.
How Do I Get Started with Blended Learning?
- Think about what type of blended learning method you want to use. Blended learning requires complementary online and in-person learning.
- You’ll also need to ensure that all your students have the technology they’ll need; if students don’t have access to computers or mobile devices at home, consider bringing technology into the classroom.
- Make sure students know how to use the technology required. Set up sample lessons in the classroom so you can supervise. If you’re using blended learning at home, provide guidance.
- Test one method first to gauge its effectiveness. As your students have different learning styles, they also have varying levels of experience with technology. Experiment with your methods to see what resonates with your students.
Bring Blended Learning to Your Students
With Raz-Plus resources and tools, teachers can customize blended learning instruction to their specific preferences and to each classroom’s or student’s unique needs. The ideal complement for teachers using a blended learning model, Raz-Plus delivers thousands of resources for traditional and technology-enhanced instruction.