
mangoSTEEMS的BSD是一個開發科技教育的網上學習平台,為老師及學生提供以專題式學習為主導的編程課程。鼓勵學生動手創作不同主題及範疇的電腦程式,從中提升學生對編程的認知與理解! BSD – TechReady編程學習與應用課程 TechReady有系統的課程計劃讓學生逐步學習,並激發學生設計、編寫不同領域的電腦程式:人工智能、遊戲開發和應用程式開發,提升學生對各種新科技的敏感度與應用能力、了解及探索編程對社會各行各業以至日常生活的影響、同時有助學生於未來在科技相關的領域上深造、發展。 老師 – 教學資源: 幫助老師帶領學生發揮運算與設計思維、體驗程式設計的過程 提供多元化教學材料,例如課程計劃、課堂活動、工作表等 提供詳盡且靈活的學習計劃與教案,切合不同學習目的及階段的需要 提供專業培訓及課堂支援,讓老師輕鬆地將編程課程整合到現有的課堂中 學生 – 學習成果: 學習IT業界常用的HTML、CSS、JavaScript,把握未來在職場上發展的機會 培養關鍵的21世紀必備技能,激發創作設計思維、解難和協作能力 支援網上教學,讓學生能在家中學習編程 蘊含職業導向的專題,幫助學生在未來職業路上面對各種的科技挑戰 人工智能AI應用程式開發遊戲開發人工智能AI 人工智能AI 透過編寫人工智能AI程式,了解科技怎樣融合至各行各業中。 *三個單元 / 一共60小時編制 AI西洋棋對決 AI聊天室 AI拼寫檢查 應用程式開發 應用程式開發App Development 設計能運用到日常生活中的程式,讓科技使我們的生活變得更便利。 *三個單元 / 一共60小時編制 金錢管理程式 工作計劃程式 音樂製作程式 遊戲開發 遊戲開發Game Development 學生發揮創意規劃、編寫和創作電腦遊戲,從Player成為Creator! *三個單元 / 一共60小時編制 超級跳躍遊戲 射擊遊戲 無限跑遊戲 如有查詢或申請免費體驗,請聯絡我們或留下資訊,我們會盡快回覆: Name* Email* Phone School / Institution…

10 English Idioms That You Should Know (2)

Last time, we introduced “Under the weather”, “Break a leg”, “Once in a blue moon”, “Go down in flames” and “Beat around the bush”. And now, we are going to learn five more English idioms. Hit the sack Meaning: to go to bed How do you use it? When you’re exhausted or sleepy, it’s time…

10 English Idioms That You Should Know (1)

An “Idiom” is a group of words with a meaning that’s different from its literal meaning. You’ll often find them in TV shows and movies because they add “color” to the conversation. They are a great way to add “color” to your own conversations when you speak English. Here are some popular idioms for you…

6 Useful Skills To Help Your Students Excited!

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. – Joseph Addison (English Essayist, Poet and Playwright) 6 useful skills to help your students excited for Reading! Travel with Your Mind Reading can transport you instantly, try using reading to launch exciting adventures. Allow everyone to close their eyes and choose a spot…

Learning A-Z Teacher Workshop 2020

Establishing a culture of reading unlocks a world of potential and possibilities for all students and is thus a top priority for Hong Kong schools. To cultivate and promote a culture of reading, Hong Kong’s Education Bureau suggests schools leverage a plan-implement-evaluate framework as they build a school of reading for the differentiated needs of…