Online Learning for Kids

During the height of the pandemic, many classrooms simply didn’t feel prepared to handle the changes that accompanied the shifts in the learning environment because: They did not have the right tools to accommodate distance learning or hybrid learning Lesson plans were severely disrupted and difficult to compose due to the immense changes Learning environments…

EnglishCentral – Learn English with VIDEO COURSES

Learn English with the World’s Best Videos! EnglishCentral is a leading English learning platform that consists of 12,000videos covering a wide range of student interests. Students can define their own learning paths according to their interests and level. Besides, our IntelliSpeech℠ assessment technology encourages students to practice speaking and gives students instant feedback on their…

Improving Reading Comprehension With Raz-Plus

As you dive into your curriculum, you may notice that your academic goals have been specified, but the means to achieve them aren’t as clear. Developmentally speaking, a clear indication of student understanding lies in the ability to comprehend what they read. To assist in this quest and fill any gap in your core curriculum,…

Raz-Plus: Digital Books With Purpose

Many educators have expressed that they feel their core curriculum falls short in providing a wide range of reading materials. With Raz-Plus, you can make reading accessible for all students, as it includes a vast library of thousands of high-quality, diverse books and passages to meet every student’s interests, reading level, and learning needs. “I…

Announcing the Winners of EnglishCentral Easter Challenge 2022

香港學生往往在英語聆聽和說話能力較為遜色。事實上,要好好增強這兩大範疇,方法離不開多說、多聽和多練習。 為了鼓勵學生多講、多聽英文,mangoSTEEMS®早前與香港教育城eREAP計劃合作,舉辦「EnglishCentral 復活節挑戰計劃2022」,旨在鼓勵學生在課餘時間,透過善用電子學習資源EnglishCentral上提供的優質英語影片,配合說話練習、詞彙測驗、問答題等,提升英語能力。 經過歷時2個月的活動,「EnglishCentral 復活節挑戰計劃2022」已經完滿結束,恭喜以下得獎學生與學校(排名不分先後): 傑出表現學生獎 Best Performance Awards for Students – 初中組別 – CHEN YIK KI 香港九龍塘基督教中華宣道會陳瑞芝紀念中學 CHOW TIN YU 香港九龍塘基督教中華宣道會陳瑞芝紀念中學 MAI CHEUK YIN 香港九龍塘基督教中華宣道會陳瑞芝紀念中學 WONG CHUNG NAM 香港九龍塘基督教中華宣道會陳瑞芝紀念中學 TSANG ON KI 香港九龍塘基督教中華宣道會陳瑞芝紀念中學 – 高中組別 – TSANG TSZ CHING 鳳溪第一中學 CHAN YEE HANG 慈幼英文學校 HO WING CHI 仁濟醫院王華湘中學 LAI YIK SUM 仁濟醫院王華湘中學 KOO PAK…

Engage and Empower Students With Level Up!

Helping Students Advance Reading Practice With Ease As a Raz-Plus customer, you have access to flexible digital and printable resources, a library of engaging content, and our captivating student portal. Equipped with many different exciting functions, this portal and its features are an integral part of why Raz-Plus makes such an impact on classrooms all around the world…

Raz-Plus joins “Joy of E-Reading Scheme”

English language skills are crucial for students to learn and develop throughout life. Every educator hopes to engage students in reading and motivate them to read. Unfortunately, the motivation to engage in reading begins to decline in the first grade! How can we help boost student engagement and skills, especially for English reading? The Hong…


KooBits根據香港教育局「小學數學科」課程指引以及全球認可的新加坡數學教學方式而設計。自推出以來便廣受歡迎,因為KooBits涵蓋小學各年級的數學單元,能配合各出版社及校本課程使用。KooBits採用螺旋式教學法,助學生逐步提升數理能力,並強化解題技巧。據KooBits統計,每天持續使用KooBits學習的學生,其數學成績均有顯著上升。 KooBits題目庫 KooBits擁有不同題型的數學題,並根據年級、概念、技巧、難度分類。此外,KooBits亦有增潤項目可供選擇。 日常生活 x 文字題 KooBits文字題多以日常生活為例子,讓學生容易代入熟悉情境去理解數學,有助鞏固概念,並讓學生領悟如何把數學帶進日常生活中。 (小三 – 四則運算題目) 以年級、概念、技巧分類 KooBits的題目均以年級、概念、技巧分類,方便老師搜尋合適的題目,同時能讓學生得到有系統的學習。 辣椒程度 KooBits將所有題目以「辣椒」分辨難度,愈多辣椒代表難度愈高,以實施因材施教。 (小二 – 時間題目) 增潤項目 KooBits讓數理能力較強的學生有更多進深學習的機會,以擴闊他們在數學方面的視野,深化數學能力。 (小四增潤項目 – 分類圖表) KooBits x CPA教學法 KooBits秉承新加坡數學的特色,善用CPA教學法解題,其數學教學視頻以「四步解難理論*」為原則去解構數學題目: 第一步:了解問題 第二步:了解相關概念 第三步:進入題目,開始解題 第四步:計算,得出結果 從中透過「建模」及圖像讓學生能「看見」抽象的數學,幫助學生理解與吸收。當學生理解數學概念的含義、運作,能助他們解決其他不同的題目,深化解題與數理思維。 小四 – 四則混算教學影片截圖 小二 – 基本乘法影片截圖 此外,KooBits的學生學習平台有多元化學習模式,以便照顧學生學習多樣性。同時亦有強大的教師平台實時分析學生能力,讓老師確切知道學生「在做甚麼」以及「明白了多少」。   *Detailed 4-step problem-solving theory by George Polya

Increase Student Engagement with Raz-Plus

Provide Motivating Incentives for Student Success Having trouble keeping your students engaged? Don’t worry, we can help! With Raz-Plus, struggling to captivate your students will be a thing of the past. Offering a space-themed student portal, students are able to read engaging books, take quizzes, complete digital assignments, and earn badges and stars! But don’t just…